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How the Right Style of Leadership Can Help Your Business

8 min read
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Business owners know that the key to success is to make the most of what you have. However, some business owners make the mistake of running their corporations rigidly, leaving their employees unmotivated and uninspired.

These business owners need to realize that other leadership styles allow for more workplace communication, creativity, and autonomy. Instead of micromanaging and taking credit for every idea their employees bring up, they can give them a chance to share their thoughts and grow as individuals.

Ultimately, such business owners will find that their employees are more willing to go above and beyond for the company when they feel more valued. In this article, we will discuss ways to be a successful modern leader.

What is strong leadership?

Strong leadership starts with having clear goals, effective communication, and the ability to keep your composure in any environment. It involves a commitment to solving problems and seeing opportunities where others see challenges.

It’s about being accountable for your actions and your team’s, letting go of your ego and being respectful and honest with clients and colleagues, and communicating a vision to everyone.

Leadership starts with setting clear goals for yourself or your company that the rest of the team or organization supports. It involves being a good communicator and the ability to listen to ideas from others.

It is about focusing on goals in the face of obstacles and distractions. Strong leadership is about having a bias for action. It means using your judgment, being accountable for it, and making critical decisions on behalf of your organization.

To be more effective at leadership, you must be highly self-aware and have emotional intelligence. You should also be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes while maintaining empathy.

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Qualities and characteristics of strong leadership

Leadership is one of the most important qualities that a person can possess. It’s also one of the hardest to develop, as it often requires charisma, creativity, and intelligence. You could add the following qualities and characteristics to your leadership arsenal.

Honest, loyal and trustworthy

Strong leaders keep their word and do what they say they’re going to do, which helps to build trust among their followers. They are also resilient, which means they can bounce back from failures or setbacks.

Also, they don’t give up easily. Instead, they let go of the past and move toward the future.

A strong leader is also passionate about their subject matter of expertise; it’s this passion that inspires others and makes a person likable or even popular.

Good communicator

A strong leader is also a good communicator because they can communicate clearly, effectively, and rationally. They don’t waste time with unnecessary details.

For instance, they don’t use jargon. Instead, they speak in plain simple English and avoid leaving out important information that other people could quickly grasp. They also use simple and direct words rather than complex ones, making them more accessible for their listeners to understand.

Additionally, they ensure that their communication is concise and not too long so that it’s easier for their listeners to grasp what they’re trying to convey.

As a leader or manager, you must support good teamwork by ensuring everyone is on the same page. Employees sometimes need clarification on what is being communicated to avoid misunderstandings.

You need knowledge of different communication styles, formal and casual, to properly communicate with everyone on your team.

Goal-focused and takes the initiative

Strong leaders set high standards for themselves and their team members and constantly reward them for meeting those standards. They are strategic in their approach to decision-making by being realistic about risks and opportunities in any given situation.

Strong leaders don’t let fear get in their way but rather embrace it so they can shape the future course of events accordingly. They are proactive and always on the lookout for new opportunities.


Leaders must focus on the big picture and understand how their actions impact all stakeholders. They should understand how their actions will impact those who are in a position of power and be able to envision an outcome more significant than themselves.

The best leaders think holistically and consider any decision’s full spectrum of implications. Leaders are often faced with conflict; they must manage complex relationships while continuing to work towards a goal larger than individuals or immediate problems.

Those who lack vision often do not consider all facets of an issue, leading them down unnecessary paths. Leaders often only benefit from seeing some aspects of a situation before it plays out.

They must be able to anticipate the outcomes of various alternative courses of action and judge each choice’s impact on the big picture. Many situations are open-ended and complex and require leaders to incorporate strong cognitive abilities to consider all the variables.

Motivates employees

Motivating employees takes effort, and it can be challenging at times. Many of us want approval and validation before we put our best foot forward consistently every day.

A great leader knows that he must get people excited about moving towards a common goal and being able to do it. They will be someone who believes in the company and its vision.

Some of the best leaders that have ever lived are remembered for their words and how they made people feel. They knew how to inspire positive feelings among their fellow employees and make them feel like part of an organization or team family.

It doesn’t matter if you’re working in a leadership role; you must set a good example. This is necessary so you can lead with results and let your employees know they can do good things on behalf of the company.

How to become a stronger leader

If you feel like you’re always looking for someone else to take the reins when it comes to leadership, it’s time you took control of your future. Becoming a more decisive leader will allow you to communicate better with coworkers and managers.

Inspire others

In leadership positions, motivating your employees to do better is essential. It’s also crucial for leaders to inspire their team members in the everyday roles they play as members of a family or community.

To do that, leaders must first inspire themselves through healthy self-care, which can then trickle down from the top of an organization. All leaders, whether parents, businesspeople, or community members, face the challenge of becoming better leaders. They can foster that growth by using these tips to inspire others toward a common goal.

Understanding your motivation

As a leader, you must have the motivation to lead others. You must be motivated to inspire your team members and followers to do what needs to be done.

While it’s important to let other people know what’s in it for them, it’s equally vital that you understand your motivation as a leader. You’ll be better at inspiring others if you know who you are and why you’re in this position.

Create accountability

Strong leaders know that they need to create accountability in their teams and organizations so that they can motivate every single person. Accountability can come in the form of a reward, punishment or both. It’s also vital for leaders to monitor how well their team is doing and make adjustments when necessary.

Strong leaders must understand how others see them so that they can stay focused on becoming successful as leaders. People may not equate accountability with effective leadership, but it is crucial.

Adaptability is an excellent character trait for an individual who wants to become a successful leader.

Styles of leadership in business administration

There are many types of leadership styles in business. We are going to look at the four most common:

Autocratic leadership

An autocratic leader exerts their power over others without democratic accountability. The term generally describes absolute control over policy and decision-making by a single person or entity.

This is a form of leadership where one individual makes decisions for everyone. Those that follow this style may be more efficient and effective than a democratic system, as they are free from interference from the masses.

While some people may wish for such an individual to rule, others may view this as a bad practice that inhibits their civil rights and freedoms.

It is also generally accepted that a leader’s power should be subject to the law and based on rules that the people agreed upon before they elected the leader. This appreciation of responsibility is what prevents autocracy from becoming absolute authoritarian.

Democratic leadership

The beauty of democracy is that it requires leadership, a transitional point between the masses and ordinary people making decisions. Democracy and business are not mutually exclusive.

For some people, democratic leadership creates images of a socialist, communist society where workers run the government and make all decisions. However, this is not true because democracy means taking turns having control.

Democratic leadership is all about cooperation between workers, management, and top executives for the success of all parties.

Servant leadership

Servant leadership is a concept that places the focus of leadership on serving those they are leading, creating an environment where followers are more likely to be motivated and engaged. The aim is to create an environment where workers are both efficient and fulfilled.

Servant leaders engage in the work at hand with passion and find worth in their work beyond pay. Servant leaders desire success for their followers and will go out of their way to make it happen.

This commitment to the growth and success of the people around them separates servant leaders from those who employ authoritarian or even situational leadership styles. Ultimately, the leader’s willingness to share power and allow others a chance to grow makes this type of leadership very effective.

Bureaucratic leadership

There is one thing that is considered almost inevitable in management today: bureaucracy. Bureaucratic leadership has become a part of the business world as many companies have to adopt processes and follow procedures.

This management style can be beneficial for some businesses, but it also has disadvantages. There are better ways to promote creativity and innovation than bureaucracy. This becomes especially apparent when the leader, who has no experience managing such a style, faces an ongoing budget crisis or labor shortage.

When highly skilled professionals enter middle management positions, they are often removed because they do not share common values with those on the company hierarchy.

Final thoughts

Leadership is about attitude. If you want to be a leader, then you must adopt a leadership attitude. It won’t take much to put it into action either. All it takes is for you to act like a leader, regardless of your position or title. It is about what motivates and challenges you to keep your interest strong.

Leadership isn’t just about making decisions or telling people what they should do. It’s about inspiring people with your work ethic and translating that enthusiasm into something they can use when they return to their jobs in the workplace.

There are all kinds of leadership styles, both good and bad. The only way to excel at leadership is to find out what works for you, the type you enjoy yourself, and the type that inspires others. You must also assess your position to see if it fits your leadership style.